Terms & Conditions



Agreement and Terms and Conditions shall have the same meaning and mean the provisions set out herein that apply to your use and access to our services and sites and incorporates our privacy policy, security policy and any other policies published by us from time to time.

This website is owned and operated by Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd (17 602 368 945) under the domain names “www.oneclicklife.com.au” (referred to in these terms and conditions as ‘One Click Life’, ‘we’, ‘us’, or ‘our’). Mobile Business Devices is a company incorporated in Western Australia, Australia.

ATO means the Australian Taxation Office.

Client means the users who are given the opportunity to purchase the Services.

Intellectual property means all intellectual property rights of whatever nature anywhere in the world conferred under statute, common law or equity and includes rights in respect of or in connection with copyright, whether or not registered or registrable, and includes the right to apply for or renew the registration of such rights.

Legal document(s) means the document templates that can be found on the website.

Website means the website of One Click Life, or any other website owned or operated by Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd.

YouYour, and User refers to you as the user of the services and where you have registered an account with us, the account holder.

Fees means any fees, costs, charges, disbursements or other amounts charged by us to you for use or access of any service.

Law means the laws of Australia (legislation, subsidiary acts, regulations, practice directions, rules and other requirements issued by any government authority of Australia) as applicable from time to time, including without limitation, all laws of Australia regulating the Australian tax system.

Lodgement means a lodgement of a tax return with the intention of lodging that tax return to the ATO.

Loss includes without limitation all direct and indirect loss, damage, demands, penalties, fines, expenses, costs (including legal costs on a solicitor/own client basis) and taxes.

Our Data means, without limitation, all data, material, content, details, information, guides, copyright, intellectual property, inventions, apps, tools, marks, links, graphics, code (including object code and source code), blogs, calculators and calendars that is available or accessible on our sites (whether directly or indirectly and whether intentionally or not).

Service(s) refers to any service(s) and/or product(s) that are supplied by us to you including services and/or products made available to you, or accessed by you, on one of our sites.

Sites means any website, android app or iOS app that we make available from time to time including any site that we use to offer access to services and “site” means any one of the sites as the context requires. Without limitation, “site” includes oneclicklife.com.au

Tax Agent is a tax agent providing tax agent services registered with the tax practitioners Board to provide tax agent services including providing a tax lodgement service, tax advice and representing clients in dealings with the commissioner of taxation.

Tax Return means a tax Lodgement or un-lodged tax return requiring Lodgement.

User Account means any account registered with us for the purposes of accessing one or more services.

Your Data means, without limitation, all data, content, material, details and information (including personal and sensitive information) of any kind inputted by you in your User Account or otherwise provided by you (whether directly or indirectly and whether intentionally or not) whilst accessing a site or service and includes Lodgements submitted by you or on your User Account.

Year refers to 365 days. The use of “Year” in One Click Life’ websites, terms and conditions, disclaimer, and privacy policy shall not mean financial year nor leap year, but 365 days only.

GENERAL – Use of the Services

GENERAL – Use of the Services

By accessing the site and/or registering a User Account with us, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

You and Your Access to Services You are the person that you say you are, and you will not represent yourself as someone else, engage in any fraudulent activities and your use of the site will not violate any law. If you are assisting someone to access the site, create a User Account or otherwise use any one or more of our services, you agree that you have that person’s express consent and provide that consent to Us. You must not create a User Account or access any services on behalf of another person if you do not have their express consent to do so and you have provided a copy of that consent to Us.

You agree that your access and use of the sites and services is on a personal basis only and you will not access or use the sites and/or services for any commercial purpose whatsoever.

You acknowledge by creating a User Account that it is your intent to use our services as Your Tax Agent for lodgement of Your Data with the ATO. You Acknowledge that by creating a One Click Life account, you consent to One Click Life being your Tax Agent. You acknowledge that every time you log in to your One Click Life account a Tax Agent relationship will be re-established and will show up on your MyGov account.

You will keep your User Account details including but not limited to your password secure and ensure that no person other than yourself accesses the site using your credentials. You are solely liable for any Loss suffered by you, us or any other person that is attributable to your failure to keep your User Account details secure.

You will notify us immediately should you believe that any of Your Data or User Account details have been compromised.

You acknowledge and agree that we may terminate your password or account or deny you access to all or part of the site without prior notice if you engage in any conduct or activities that Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd in its sole discretion believes infringe any terms and conditions you are bound by, or any other behaviour deemed inappropriate for continued access.

You acknowledge that we endeavour to take reasonable care in preparing and maintaining Our Data on the site however we do not warrant that Our Data is up to date at all times, and we do not warrant the accuracy, reliability, adequacy or completeness of any of Our Data.

You acknowledge that we endeavour to make the site and services available at all times however we do not warrant that this will be the case, nor do we guarantee that access to the site will be uninterrupted.  We will be required to run maintenance on our site and services from time to time which will result in the site or services being unavailable. We will not be liable to you for any Loss arising from your inability to access the site or services at any time.

You acknowledge and agree that we have no responsibility for the accuracy or availability of information provided by linked sites. Links to third party sites do not constitute an endorsement. By clicking on a link, you may be directed to third party sites or services. We are not liable for any Loss suffered by you attributable to using or following any link on our sites or any services offered by a third party on our sites. You accept and authorise that we will monitor your use of the site and our services and may use information relating to your use to tailor products or services to you. Please refer to our Security and Privacy Policy for further information.

Your Lodgements

You must ensure that all of Your Data is complete and accurate at all times during the term of your use of the Services.

You cannot assume that your tax Lodgement has been lodged with the ATO until you receive confirmation from us that Your tax Lodgement has been lodged with the ATO.

You acknowledge and agree that on completion of any Lodgement, the terms set out under the heading Payment and Refunds Terms will apply and you will be liable to pay our Fees.

You are solely responsible for ensuring that any Lodgement complies with your obligations to the ATO at law.

You acknowledge that we are relying on the completeness and accuracy of Your Data, and if Your Data is not complete and accurate at all times, we may be unable to provide services to you, may refuse to provide services to you, or may report you to government authorities if we are required to do so.

You warrant that you have all supporting evidence required at law to support your Lodgement. You acknowledge that the mere entry of Your Data in your User Account will not substitute your obligations at law.

You must retain a copy of all of Your Data that has been entered through the site, including but not limited to your Lodgements, together with supporting evidence as required by law.  We will not be liable to you for any Loss suffered by you attributable to your inability to access or obtain copies of any of Your Data.

Pursuant to our obligations under the Australian Consumer Law, we will deliver our services in a reasonable time period. You acknowledge that any estimated timeframe advertised or disclosed by us for receipt of a refund by you or the processing of your Lodgement with the ATO is not guaranteed or warranted. All Lodgements are subject to review by us and the ATO and delays may occur in the review process.

ATO refunds may be delayed for a number of reasons such as but not limited to inability to contact you for further details, ATO analysis and matching of reported information, occupation driven reviews, identity and fraud detection as well as details of focus within the current or any ATO compliance program.

You agree that by selecting to submit Your Data to us this constitutes the authorisation for us to act as your tax agent and that you are requesting and authorising us to lodge your Tax Return with the ATO. You submit that Your Data is true and correct and that by selecting to submit Your Data to us for review and lodgement constitutes an electronic signature to this effect.

You agree that our review, if any, of Your Data does not make us liable in any way for any inaccuracies, deficiencies or errors in Your Data or Your Data being incomplete. You remain solely liable for such matters and any Loss suffered by you attributable to such matters.

Return Not Necessary and Other Outstanding Tax Return(s)

By registering and providing your TFN and ID to One Click Life, you agree to remain up to date in your tax Lodgements.

Failing to lodge and having outstanding / late Tax Returns with the ATO may incur you penalties. If you have lodged with us, we will highlight if you have outstanding Tax Return(s) with the ATO.

If you have outstanding 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 or 2024 Tax Returns to lodge with the ATO we will contact you via text, email or phone call to assist you with lodging your outstanding tax returns.

This will ensure that you are up to date with the ATO and help reduce risk of the ATO imposing you with penalty fees for failing to lodge. See below for the ATO penalty charges

YearATO failure to lodge penalty ($)

If you need to alter a Tax Return lodged through One Click Life in future, you are able to complete an amendment (limited to 2 years from date of the original lodgement).

Our Data

You acknowledge that Our Data is provided as a guide only and is general in nature. Our Data has not taken into account any of your specific circumstances unless it expressly says otherwise. You must not act in reliance on any of Our Data that is general in nature without making an independent assessment of same.

We will not be liable to You if You choose to rely on Our Data without obtaining independent advice in relation to its application to your specific circumstances.  You acknowledge that nothing contained in Our Data constitutes accounting or financial advice.

You acknowledge that nothing in this agreement is intended to give you any intellectual property rights to any of Our Data or any other intellectual property rights held by us. To the extent required to access the services, we give you a royalty free licence to use our intellectual property. On ceasing to use or finalising the use of any service requiring such a licence, the licence shall immediately come to an end.

You will not attempt to violate the security of our sites. This includes any attempts to download or reverse engineer any of Our Data, propagate malicious programs or viruses, use any crawling devices, use any robots or interfere with the operation of our systems or sites in any way.

Your Liability to Us

You will be liable to us for any Loss we suffer attributable to your access or use of the sites or services or any breach by you of these terms and conditions.

Our Limitation of Liability

Please refer to the clause headed “Our Refund Policy” for information on the limited scenarios in which a refund may be payable.

This section “Our Limitation of Liability” has priority to any other provision of these terms and conditions or any policy incorporated into these terms and conditions.

Your use of our Services and Sites is at your sole risk.

To the maximum extent permitted by law we expressly disclaim all warranties, guarantees and representations implied at law. We will not be liable to you for any Loss arising from your use or access to our sites or services whatsoever and howsoever arising.

To the extent that notwithstanding the foregoing, we are found to be liable to you, you agree that our maximum liability to you shall be, in our discretion: –

  • a redelivery of any service; or
  • a refund of Fees paid by you to us.

You agree that we can suspend or cease acting for you or providing you with access or use of any services at any time if you breach a term of this agreement or we are of the opinion that we are unable to maintain a relationship of trust and confidence with you.  We will not be liable to you if we choose to do so.

Governing Law and Policies

These terms and conditions (and incorporated policies) comprises the entire agreement between you and us. It replaces all previous agreements whether oral or in writing.

You acknowledge and agree to be subject to all relevant policies that we publish on our sites from time to time and that same are incorporated into these terms and conditions on publication.

This Agreement is governed by the laws of Western Australia, and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Western Australia.

We may update our terms and conditions at any time by providing you notice (either by email, text or on our sites). If you continue to access or use our sites or services after receiving notice of an update to our terms and conditions, you will be deemed to be bound by the updated terms and conditions.


General Details:

You agree to pay all Fees in accordance with these terms and conditions.

We will charge you Fees for all services used by you. Our Fees are payable on the earlier of completion of the Service (the subject of the Fees) or you Lodging your tax return via the One Click Life platform at www.oneclicklife.com.au.

A schedule of our Fees payable for services will be available on our Sites and will be updated from time to time. The schedule of Fees current at the time of access or use of a Service shall be applicable to you. We may update our Fees from time to time and will publish the current schedule of Fees on our Site. You will be liable for any increase in our Fees if you use or access a service after the amended schedule of Fees or has been published on our site.

You acknowledge that if we are unable to recover the Fees owed by you within 30 days or we will charge an administrative fee for recovering the Fee (“Late Payment Fee”). We are entitled to pursue all reasonable means in order to claim what is owing to us and all costs incurred by us (on a full indemnity basis) related to the activity of Fee recovery will be payable by you on demand including any Fee recovery charges imposed by a debt collection agency. You authorise us reporting your debt to credit reporting agencies.

We may provide options for payment such as credit card, Paypal, direct debit and other options from time to time. You are liable for any transaction costs charged by the merchant to process your payment type.

Upon purchase of a Service, you may be asked by the merchant or gateway service provider to supply certain information, including credit card or other payment mechanism information. You agree not to hold us liable for any Loss incurred by you as a result of using the merchant or gateway service provider via our site. You agree that all information you provide any merchant or gateway service provider through the site for purposes of making payment for services will be accurate, complete and current.

Our Fee schedule is set out below:

Product Initial / Upfront cost per person per yearAdmin Fee & Fee from refundRefund Advance Administrative Fee(1)Amendment and Ongoing fees
Individual Tax Return$99$19$89  $99
Pre-lodgement Individual Tax Return(2)$149$19$89$99
Return Not Necessary or Nil return$29 Up-front or invoiced$19N/A$99
Rental, Investor or Sole Trader Tax Return$249 Up-Front or deducted from refund if refund >$249$19$89$99
Establishment of ATO Payment Plan$99 Up-frontN/AN/A$99 to amend ATO Payment Plan
Late Payment Fee (Refer to  our T&Cs)N/A Additional
Departing Australia Super Payment (DASP)$499N/AN/AN/AN/A
Departing Australia final tax return$149$19N/AN/AN/A

(1)Subject to terms and conditions at time of selecting to receive a refund in advance.

(2)Available for the two week period leading up to the last day of the financial year relating to the lodgement year.

All Fees are payable within 30 days or of being charged a Fee. You can check your Fees and pay your Fees in your account at www.oneclicklife.com.au.

Late Payment Fee

If you haven’t paid your Fee within 30 days of being charged a Fee you will be charged a late payment fee of $29 (Late Payment Fee).

Your Fee and Late Payment Fee can be paid via your account at www.oneclicklife.com.au.

For difficulty in paying your Fee, please contact us at [email protected].


Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd may charge you Interest on unpaid Fees and Late Payment Fees which shall accrue at the rate of 15% per annum calculated daily.

Admin Fee & Fee From Refund Specifics

Admin Fee & Fee From Refund is charged where payment for a tax Lodgement is not received at the time of Lodgement.

By using our services, you agree for us to, the extent possible, deduct any unpaid current or prior year Fees from any tax refund received on your behalf. We also provide the option to select to pay our Fee from your tax refund based on the Fee table above. “No upfront cost” we refer to this as “Fee from Refund” (“FFR”). In relation to FFR, you represent and warrant to us that you expect, without qualification, to receive a Refund from the ATO and that you have no known liabilities to the ATO or any other Australian Government agencies. You irrevocably authorise us to deduct all amounts owing to us under this Agreement from the Refund before remitting the balance of the tax refund (if any) to you. You acknowledge that as part of this process your tax refund will be paid into our trust account, we will then deduct the amounts owing to us and then remit the balance of your tax refund (if any) to your nominated bank account. You will not receive your tax refund directly from the ATO.

You agree that all information you have provided in order for this process to occur is true and correct.

You acknowledge that whilst we will take every reasonable step to process the balance of your tax refund within service times published on our site, we will not be liable for any delay in remitting the balance of a tax refund to you.


  • you not receive a tax refund, or
  • the tax refund not be of an amount sufficient to cover our Fees, or
  • we are unable to deduct all of our Fees from the tax refund for any reason whatsoever;

then you will be liable for payment of our Fees, including an Admin Fee (or so much of our Fees as the tax refund does not cover) in full immediately on issue of the Assessment by the ATO. 

Nothing in this section limits your liability to us for payment of our Fees and any Late Payment Fees in full or Loss.

Direct Debit Service Agreement

By providing your bank account details, you agree to the Direct Debit Request service agreement, and authorise Stripe Payments Australia Pty Ltd ACN 160 180 343 Direct Debit User ID number 507156 (“Stripe”) to debit your account through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) on behalf of Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd (the “Merchant”) for any amounts separately communicated to you by the Merchant. You certify that you are either an account holder or an authorised signatory on the account listed above.

Tax Refund Claim Timeframe

The term “Claim your tax refund in minutes” refers to the average time it takes to receive a response regarding your estimated refund on the results page. We make every effort to ensure the availability of our Site and Service, but we do not guarantee uninterrupted access or continuous availability. Please note that the ability to claim your tax refund within minutes is reliant on your internet connection to provide a network response.

While we strive to provide you with an estimated refund within minutes on the results page, you have the option to amend your tax return and generate another network response as many times as needed. It’s important to understand that the estimate is not considered final until you agree to the terms and conditions and click the “lodge” button.

Bank Details for Your Tax Refund

You agree to Your tax refund being receipted by Us prior to being remitted to You, less any Fees owed to Us.

You agree that the bank details supplied by you are true and accurate and that they relate to the account to which you would like your tax refund processed. It is your responsibility to advise us of any change in bank account details, but you acknowledge that once provided, it may not be possible to change those details.

In the event that incorrect bank details are provided as a result of user error and not One Click Life and we have made a transfer attempt of your refund, we reserve the right to charge a $30 admin fee, plus any bank charges incurred, which will be debited from your refund if received back before re-transferring the balance to you. Where your refund will not cover the admin and bank fees to resend your refund, we will request an upfront payment to cover the costs, prior to re-sending your refund.

You agree that you are solely liable for inaccuracies in bank information supplied by you and whilst we will, where reasonable, support you to recover any missing amounts resulting from inaccurate details, we will not be liable to you for any such amounts, or any other Loss attributable to the inaccurate details.

Our Refund Policy

Except to the extent required by the Australian Consumer Law, we do not provide or offer refunds of any of our Fees.

Pursuant to the Australian Consumer Law, we may be required to provide a refund to you if you cancel the services before the services are provided (for example, before completion of a Lodgement) or if there is a major failure with the services, we provide to you.

If there is a failure, but the failure is not major, then we may in our discretion determine to resolve the matter by rectifying the failure, re-providing the services to you or by offering you a refund.

The ATO’s decision to enquire, hold, delay adjust and/or audit your information is outside of our service control and does not constitute an issue with, or failure of, our services.

Please refer to the clause of these terms and conditions titled “Our Limitation of Liability” for more information on the limitations applying to our liability to you.

One (1) Hour Free Audit Protection

You agree that Audit Protection relates to audit services specific to the tax year lodged with the ATO by you utilising our services (“Audited Lodgement”) and that Audit Protection does not extend to any other tax years or lodgements.

If Audit Protection has been selected, you appoint us as your representative to liaise on your behalf with the ATO and provide guidance and support to you in relation to ATO requests related to the Audited Lodgement. You can withdraw this authorisation in writing to us at any time.

Audit Protection is limited to a total of one (1) hour of our time for the Audited Lodgement. Should you engage us to represent you for any further amount of time, additional fees will apply at no less than $220 per hour charged in 6 minute increments.

Audit Protection expires once the relevant term that the ATO require you to retain any data with reference to your Audited Lodgement is exhausted. You acknowledge that this term is generally accepted as 5 years and unless otherwise agreed in writing with us, we will consider Audit Protection to expire at the end of 5 years from the date that the Audited Lodgement was submitted to the ATO.

You are solely liable and responsible for the production of all documentation or records required by the ATO for the Audited Lodgements. You expressly acknowledge that we are not required to retain any documentation or records and will not be liable to you for any failure by us to do so.

You agree that you do not require our assistance, or no assistance is required, to deal with audit activity for the Audited Lodgement, the Audit Protection will simply expire. You will not be entitled to any compensation for any unused Audit Protection (or part thereof).

Audit Protection does not apply to any amendments to Lodgements where such amendments are initiated by you or by the ATO. It only applies to audits by the ATO.

You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to maintain your contact information with us and ensure that it is current and accurate in order for us to provide Audit Protection. We will not be liable to you if we are unable to contact you by the earlier of an ATO response date or 14 days and we have made reasonable efforts to do so using the contact information provided by you. In such circumstances, the Audit Protection will expire on the passing of the first in time to occur and you will not be entitled to any compensation for any unused Audit Protection (or part thereof).

We will not be liable to you or any third party for any penalties, fees, charges or the like that the ATO may apply as a result of their audit program and warrant that selection of Audit Protection does not equate to discharge of any liability that the ATO may deem you to have.

Other Promotions

From time to time, we may publish other promotions on our site (“Promotions”).  The specific terms and conditions, including availability periods and qualification requirements, applicable to such Promotions will be published on our site (“Promotion Terms”) during the period that the Promotion is available. The provisions of these terms and conditions shall also apply to the Promotions to the extent that they do not conflict with the Promotion Terms. If there is a conflict between these terms and conditions and the Promotion Terms, the Promotion Terms will prevail in relation to the services the subject of the Promotion.

Security and Privacy Policy

This Security and Privacy Policy applies to the sites which is operated by Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd (ABN 17 602 368 945). (“Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd”) under the domain name www.oneclicklife.com.au (“Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd website”). Unless otherwise stated, all defined terms used in this Security and Privacy Policy shall have the same meaning as set out in our Terms and Conditions of Use.

Security of Personal Information

Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd takes reasonable steps to preserve the security of cookie and personal information in accordance with this Security and Privacy Policy. If your browser is suitably configured, it will advise you whether the information you are sending us will be secure (encrypted).

Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd currently uses 128 bit SSL encryption. We hold an Extended Validation SSL certificate provided by “Let’s Encrypt”. OpenSSL and the AES-256-CBC cipher. Furthermore, all encrypted values are signed with a message authentication code (MAC)

Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd regularly reviews developments in security and encryption technologies. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Accordingly, although Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd strives to protect such information, Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or from our online products or services and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we take reasonable steps to preserve the security of the information in our own systems.

What Tips on Security Can I Access?

See the ATO tips for protecting your personal information and for avoiding tax scams here https://www.ato.gov.au/General/online-services/online-security/

Make sure that your browser is up to date (Note: for clients running Microsoft Explorer, we recommend that you double check you have the latest updates installed to ensure a patch for previously known security vulnerabilities).

Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd will not request you to send private and personal details via text or email unsolicited. These tools may be used by Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd for communication and update purposes.

We use a Level 1 PCI Compliant Payment Gateway to process credit card details and payments. Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd does not hold or store any credit card data. This is encrypted and stored in the Payment Gateway providers database who are experts in this area.

Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd holds a current subscription to the Australian Governments’ ‘Stay Smart Online Alert Service’ which provides immediate and up to date information about the latest online safety and security risks and solutions.

Internal Security policy. We may want to make your user experience as easy as it can be on the front end but don’t be fooled – we take security seriously and as a result we have a strict internal security policy that all staff adhere to.

All correspondence with the ATO is in accordance with their required security standards.

Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd Policies

Browser Security

We strongly encourage you to update your web browser software and computer operating system frequently.

Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd and its site oneclicklife.com.au works on all Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers. The security of your private information may be compromised by your own choice of software and whether you keep it up-to-date by installing the manufacturer’s/software developer’s suggested updates.

Some browsers are known to be at higher risk. Older browsers such as Internet Explorer (versions 10 and older) are out-of-date and should not be used; they should be updated immediately, and free updates are available from Microsoft.

At this time, we are not aware of any security problems relating to current versions of the Apple Safari browser, but we do caution users to download updates from Apple whenever they are available.

Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 are no longer supported or updated by Microsoft, those systems are no longer receiving security updates, therefore it is generally recommended you should not use them to enter or store your private information (or at all).

Information Collected – Privacy

The main purposes for which we collect personal information are:

  •  to provide our services;
  •  to market other services to you;
  •  to maintain contact with you;
  •  to keep you informed of the services we offer and of current developments;
  •  to notify you of events, services and service offers;
  •  for administration and management purposes.
  •  to comply with government guidelines, rules and regulations

The information that we will collect about you will depend on how you use the facilities offered by the Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd website. The type of personal information which we will ordinarily collect includes your name, home and postal address, contact phone numbers, email address, device location and identification, business contact details, email and occupation.  We may ask you for other information where it is relevant to the provision of services to you, such as bank account details, tax file numbers, assets and liability statements and other financial information.

Unless specifically necessary for us to provide services to you and you have expressly consent to us doing so, we will not usually seek sensitive information from you or about you. Sensitive information can include things like your religion, ethnicity, criminal history, medical condition and sexual preference.

If you visit an unsecure area of the Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd website (that is, an area where you are not required to log on) to read, browse or download information, our system may record the date and time of your visit to our site, the pages viewed, and any information downloaded. However, our systems will not record any personally identifiable information.

If you decide to use one of our online services, such as our Individual Tax Return software, our system will record all information you enter during your use of the Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd website which may include both personally identifiable information and sensitive information (as those terms are defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

The Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd website may also contain links to the websites of third-party providers of goods and services (“Third Party websites”). If you have accessed Third Party websites through the Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd website and if those third parties collect information about you, Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd may also collect or have access to that information as part of our arrangements with those third parties. We are not responsible for the storage or safekeeping of any information you input on a Third-Party website.

The Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd website may periodically be promoted using online display advertising and remarketing tools connected with Google Analytics. Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd and third-party vendors, including Google and Microsoft, may use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) together to inform, optimize, and serve ads based on individuals past visits to this website. This is intended to help make ads relating to this site more relevant to people who have or have not visited this website and to minimise ads displayed to people who may not need the services of this site. Visitors can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using Google’s Ads Settings.

We partner with Microsoft Clarity to capture how you use and interact with our website through behavioral metrics, heatmaps, and session replay to improve our products/services. Website usage data is captured using first and third-party cookies for site optimization, to troubleshoot bugs, and also to determine the popularity of products/services and online activity. For more information about how Microsoft collects and uses your data, visit the Microsoft Privacy Statement

Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd respects the choice of any individual to opt out of common web tracking systems and encourages concerned individuals to investigate the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.

Third Party websites should have their own privacy statements and those third parties are responsible for their own privacy practices.

How We Collect Your Information

Generally, we will collect personal information directly from you. This may be as a result of your submitting an online enquiry, using our site or otherwise providing us with your personal information.

Sometimes it may also be necessary for us to collect your personal information from a third party, or from a publicly available source however we will only do that when it would be reasonable to expect us to do so, or where it is not reasonable to expect us to do so, then with your consent.

How We Will Use Your Information

We will never sell your personal information.

We will only use your personal information to perform professional services, respond to your requests or to provide you with further information about our business and its offerings.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties where it is inherent in the provision of the services to you, required by law, or third parties who we engage to provide services to you or assist us to provide services to you such as typists, solicitors, financial advisers and other professional, secretarial or expert services. We will always request that such third parties deal and protect your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.

We may use government approved third party services for verification and investigations purposes.

We may use your personal information to market to you our services or our business. You will always have the opportunity to opt out of receiving such material from us by following the links included in such correspondence.

How Long We Will Hold Your Personal Information

We will hold your personal information for only as long as is required to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected or as required by law. Please refer to the clause titled “Terms about Your Lodgements” for more information on your obligations to retain information.

Blogs, Forums and Social Media Profiles

Our website may host various blogs, forums, and other social media profiles or services that allow you to share personal information and content with other users (“Applications”). Any personal information or content that you contribute to any Applications can be read, collected and used by other users over whom we may have no control. We are not responsible for any use, misuse or misappropriation by other users of any personal information or content that you contribute to any Applications.

You may choose to provide us with personal information in some circumstances when you subscribe to our newsletters.

How You Can Access Your Information

If you would like to access the personal information we hold about you, you may do so by contacting our offices. We will endeavour to respond within 2 weeks of receiving such request. In some circumstances, we may refuse to provide you with access. We will advise you of the reasons why if we do refuse.

If you believe any personal information held by us is incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete or not up-to-date please advise us at your earliest convenience so that we can take the reasonable steps to update the information in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988.

How To Contact Us

You may request further information about the way we manage your personal information by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us on 1300 707 117.


We use “cookies” as a fundamental part of our interaction with your Internet browser. The purpose is to provide you with better and more customised service and with a more effective and efficient website.

A “cookie” is a small text file placed on your computer by our web server. A cookie can later be retrieved by our web servers. Cookies are frequently used on almost all websites, and you can choose if and how a cookie will be accepted by configuring your preferences and options in your web browser.

Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd uses cookies from unsecure areas of the website and may allocate a cookie for the purposes of storing information related to personalisation of the Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd websites.

Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd also uses cookies for secure services (that is, an area where you are required to log on) on the Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd website. These cookies are used for a variety of purposes, including for security and personalisation reasons. If your browser is configured to reject all cookies you may be unable to use secure services on the Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd website that require cookies in order to participate. You may still be able to use some of the information-only pages even if you do not accept cookies.

How We Handle Email

We will preserve the content of any email that you send us, if we believe that we have a legal requirement to do so. Your email message content may be monitored by our employees for security issues including where email abuse is suspected; our response to you may be monitored for quality assurance issues. Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd will not request you to provide sensitive information such as bank details, credit card details or your tax file number via unsolicited email.

Use and Disclosure of Information Generated by Cookies

We will only use or disclose personal information or information generated by cookies in accordance with this Security and Privacy Statement and specific and additional provisions relating to privacy which apply to certain areas of the Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd websites.

Compulsory Disclosure

Like any business, we are subject to the law. We will be obliged to divulge personal information if requested by a government agency with the proper authorisation, like a court order.

Acceptance and Changes to Security and Privacy Policy

You acknowledge and accept that your use of the Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd websites indicates your acceptance of this Security and Privacy Policy. This is the current Security and Privacy Policy. It replaces any other Security and Privacy Policy for the Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd website published on the Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd websites to date. Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd may at any time vary the Security and Privacy Policy by publishing the varied Security and Privacy Policy on the Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd websites. You accept that by doing this, Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation.

Next Day Refund

Terms of Service

These terms and conditions (Terms) govern your use of Next Day Refunds (“NDR”).

Binding Agreement

By accepting this agreement You agree to be bound by these terms. Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd ABN 17 602 368 945 (trading as One Click Life, referred to as “OCL”, “we”, or “us”) is the provider of the products and services referred to in these terms.

Next Day Refund

Next Day Refund (“NDR”) allows eligible clients early access to up to 50% of their tax refund (capped at a maximum amount of $1,257), for a fixed $89 administration fee. The use of NDR also requires the use of our Admin Fee & Fee From Refund (“FFR”) service, which incurs an additional administrative fee of $19.

To be eligible for the NDR service, clients must meet the criteria set out in these terms and conditions.

A Next Day Refund will be paid the next business day if You have applied for the service and you are eligible.

Eligibility criteria to qualify for NDR

  1. The minimum estimated refund from the Australian Tax Office (“ATO”) as calculated by OCL of $500.
  2. NDR is only available on 2024 tax lodgements.
  3. You have no prior outstanding Debts with OCL.
  4. You have no outstanding debts with the ATO.
  5. You have no outstanding tax returns from prior years.
  6. You have no prior history of your tax refunds being garnished by Centrelink, Child Support, Insolvency, bankruptcy or any other reason.
  7. You are an Australian resident, living in Australia.
  8. You are 18 years old or over.
  9. Your income must be capable of being verified through Single Touch Payroll (“STP”).

Availability of NDR

NDR commences on the 23rd of June 2024 for tax returns relating to the financial year ended 30 June 2024 (“2024”) and is finalised as determined by OCL at its sole discretion.

Payment of Fees

All Fees and charges payable on lodgement of your tax return on OCL and the NDR service will be payable from the NDR at the time of paying your NDR to you.

Direct Debit Agreement

You agree to the OLC Direct Debit Agreement allowing OCL to direct debit the Automatic Payments from your Nominated Bank Account.

Automatic Payments

An ‘Automatic Payment’ is a payment, through direct debit from the bank account you have received your NDR (“Nominated Bank Account”). In the event your ATO tax refund is not received into the OCL trust account within 30 days of NDR, you agree to allow OCL to commence direct debiting your Nominated Bank Account.

Subject to the other terms of this Agreement, You hereby expressly consent to, authorise and instruct OCL to deduct Automatic Payment amounts from your Nominated Bank Account for the amounts and on those scheduled dates set out in the below Payment Schedule. You acknowledge that you are giving us the ability to collect or reverse variable payment amounts from or to your Nominated Bank Account, in accordance with your Payment Schedule and the terms of this Agreement.

Payment 1 +45 days from NDR, to the amount of $100, plus any Late Fees,

Payment 2 +7 days from Payment 1, to the amount of $100,

Payment 3 +7 days from Payment 2, to the amount of $100,

Payment 4 +7 days from Payment 3, to the amount of $100,

Payment 5 +7 days from Payment 4, to the amount of $100,

Payment 6 +7 days from Payment 5, to the amount of $100,

Payment 7 +7 days from Payment 6, to the amount of $100,

Payment 8 +7 days from Payment 7, to the amount of $100,

Payment 9 +7 days from Payment 8, to the amount of $100,

Payment 10 +7 days from Payment 9, to the amount of $100,

Payment 11 +7 days from Payment 10, to the amount of $100,

Payment 12 +7 days from Payment 11, to the amount of $100, and

Payment 13 +7 days from Payment 12, for the balance of any amounts unpaid.

Further direct debits of up to $100 will be made on a weekly basis thereafter until the amount owned to OCL is fully repaid.

All payments are on a part thereof required basis until the full amount of NDR is repaid plus any Late Fees and Bounce Fees.

You are responsible for ensuring that you have sufficient funds in your Nominated Bank Account available to make Automatic Payments on the days specified in the above Payment Schedule. You are liable for any fees or charges imposed by your Nominated Bank Account, except to the extent that such fees or charges arise as a result of our error or system failure. If any fees or charges are imposed as a result of our error or system failure, please provide us with a copy of the relevant records, and we will reimburse you for the relevant fees or charges.

Late Fees / Bounce Fee

A Late Fee of $19 is charged on any Automatic Payment. A Bounce Fee of $30 will be charged on any failed Direct Debit(s). You agree to pay any Late Fees charged to you. 

Not collected after 180 days

If any NDR advances and fees and charges are not fully received after 180 days you agree that we are entitled to pursue all reasonable means in order to claim what is owing to OCL and all costs incurred by us (on a full indemnity basis) related to the activity of recovery will be payable by you on demand including any fee recovery charges imposed by a debt collection agency. You authorise us reporting your bad debt to credit reporting agencies.

Nominated Bank Account

The account you nominate for your NDR to be received into is your Nominated Bank Account. The balance of your ATO tax refund received from the ATO after deducting the NDR and our Fees and charges will be paid into your Nominated Bank Account

Receipt of ATO tax refund

You agree to your ATO Tax Refund (“Refund”) to be directed to the OCL trust account. You agree to allow OCL to update the ATO to direct your Refund to the OCL trust account at the time of NDR and any subsequent period in relation to the Refund subject to the NDR and any future Refund should the NDR amount remain unpaid.


No interest will be charged for use of NDR.

Your Responsibilities

You agree to repay in full from your Refund or any other means the amount advanced as a NDR and any associated fees.

At the discretion of OCL, you agree to allow OCL to use your registered email address and/or mobile number as a means of verifying your identity (including for password resets).

Your Information

Your personal information will handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which can be found here.

OCL may use and store your personal information which we collect from you and/or third parties in accordance with our Privacy Policy, in order to provide our products and services, and future products and services to you, as well as improve and develop our products and services. We will treat any personal information strictly in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Service Outage

From time to time, OCL products and services may experience interruptions for a variety of reasons, including:

  • updates, maintenance or repair;
  • system failure or network failure;
  • third party product connections not being available;
  • software or hardware malfunction; or
  • emergencies, such as a natural disaster or a serious accident.

OCL will provide advance notification where we are able to plan or anticipate these interruptions, however, this may not always be the case. If we are not able to notify you before the interruption, we will notify you as soon as reasonably practicable after the fact.

Complaints and disputes in relation to NDR

If you wish to raise a dispute or submit a complaint to us, you should do so by contacting us using the details listed below. Disputes should be raised with us as soon as possible.

Email: [email protected]

In relation to a dispute or complaint, OCL will;

  • acknowledge receipt of all complaints within 1 business day or as soon as reasonably practicable.
  • provide an initial response to all complaints within 10 business days from the date of the complaint; and
  • aim to resolve all complaints within 21 days.

OCL may request additional documentation from you to assist us in resolving any complaints or disputes. You must provide all reasonable assistance to us to facilitate us in resolving any complaints or disputes.

There may be some circumstances where (unless otherwise required to do so) we will not provide a written response to you because we have either:

  • resolved the complaint to your satisfaction within 5 business days; or
  • given you an appropriate explanation and / or apology and there are no further actions we can take to reasonably address the complaint.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your dispute or complaint after it has been through the internal disputes process set out above, you can contact the Australian Taxation Office. 

Website:              www.ato.gov.au

Phone:                  1800 199 010 (free call)

In writing to:      Australian Taxation Office, PO Box 1271, ALBURY, NSW, 2640

Notices and Communications

You agree that this Agreement and any other agreements, notices or other communications in relation to your OCL account and/or your use of OCL products and services may be provided to you electronically. You agree to receive all communications from us in electronic form.

You acknowledge that we may record telephone conversations or electronic communication for quality control and training purposes or for OCL’s own protection. OCL does not provide any guarantee that any such monitoring or recording will be retained or retrievable.

No Warranty

We do not give any express warranty or guarantee or implied warranty or guarantee as to the suitability, reliability or availability of our products, services, or of the content on our website. We do not give any implied warranties or guarantees.

Except as required by law, we do not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to our products, services or website and we make no representations or warranties regarding the amount of time needed to complete NDR processing.


You are responsible to OCL and any related companies of OCL to the extent they are involved in the provision of the products and services for any loss, costs (including reasonable legal fees), expense or damage they suffered or incurred:

  • in connection with any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this Agreement, or your breach of any law or of the rights of a third party relating to your use of our Products or Website; and
  • as a direct or indirect consequence of unauthorised users accessing your account as a result of your negligence.

Your liability will be reduced proportionately to the extent that OCL, its contractors or agents:

  • caused or contributed to the relevant claim, demand, loss or damage; or
  • failed to take reasonable steps to mitigate the relevant claim, demand, loss or damage.

This clause 10 survives termination of this Agreement.

Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, we exclude all liability owing to you and all third parties for any special, indirect, consequential or incidental costs, losses, expenses and damages of any kind, including lost profits, loss or corruption of data, loss of goodwill, loss of bargain or opportunity, loss of anticipated savings or any other analogous losses of any kind incurred in any way (including negligence) arising out of or in connection with the use of, access to or any reliance on OCL products or services whether provided by us or a third party.

To the extent permitted by law, you indemnify and hold harmless OCL from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) suffered or incurred from or in connection with:

  • your access to, use of and any reliance on OCL products and services (including any third party that accesses our products and services using your OCL account);
  • breach by you of this Agreement;
  • a claim that any use of OCL products and services by you (other than in accordance with this Agreement) infringes any intellectual property rights of any third party, or any privacy right or otherwise results in injury or damage to any third party; or
  • any deletions, additions, insertions, or alterations to, or any unauthorised use of, OCL products and services by you,

except where any such claim, damage, loss, liability, cost, or expense suffered or incurred is caused by the negligence, fraud or wilful misconduct of OCL, its employees, contractors or agents, or any inaccuracies or errors in information provided to you by OCL its employees, contractors or agents.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement is governed by the law in force in Western Australia. Each party irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of courts exercising jurisdiction in Western Australia.

Contact Us

If you would like to contact us, you can email us at [email protected] or from the contact form on our Website at www.oneclicklife.com.au.



Agreement and Terms and Conditions shall have the same meaning and mean the provisions set out herein that apply to your use and access to our services and sites and incorporates our privacy policy, security policy and any other policies published by us from time to time.

This website is owned and operated by Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd (17 602 368 945) under the domain names “www.oneclicklife.com.au” (referred to in these terms and conditions as ‘One Click Life’, ‘we’, ‘us’, or ‘our’). Mobile Business Devices is a company incorporated in Western Australia, Australia.

Client means the users who are given the opportunity to purchase the Services.

Intellectual property means all intellectual property rights of whatever nature anywhere in the world conferred under statute, common law or equity and includes rights in respect of or in connection with copyright, whether or not registered or registrable, and includes the right to apply for or renew the registration of such rights.

Legal document(s) means the document templates that can be found on the website.

Website means the website of One Click Life, or any other website owned or operated by Mobile Business Devices Pty Ltd.

YouYour, and User refers to you as the user of the services and where you have registered an account with us, the account holder.

Fees means any fees, costs, charges, disbursements or other amounts charged by us to you for use or access of any service.

Law means the laws of Australia (legislation, subsidiary acts, regulations, practice directions, rules and other requirements issued by any government authority of Australia) as applicable from time to time, including without limitation, all laws of Australia regulating the Australian tax system.

Loss includes without limitation all direct and indirect loss, damage, demands, penalties, fines, expenses, costs (including legal costs on a solicitor/own client basis) and taxes.

Our Data means, without limitation, all data, material, content, details, information, guides, copyright, intellectual property, inventions, apps, tools, marks, links, graphics, code (including object code and source code), blogs, calculators and calendars that is available or accessible on our sites (whether directly or indirectly and whether intentionally or not).

Services refers to any services and/or products that are supplied by us to you including services and/or products made available to you, or accessed by you, on one of our sites.

Sites means any website, android app or iOS app that we make available from time to time including any site that we use to offer access to services and “site” means any one of the sites as the context requires. Without limitation, “site” includes oneclicklife.com.au and paysme.com.au

User Account means any account registered with us for the purposes of accessing one or more services.

Your Data means, without limitation, all data, content, material, details and information (including personal and sensitive information) of any kind inputted by you in your User Account or otherwise provided by you (whether directly or indirectly and whether intentionally or not) whilst accessing a site or service and includes Lodgements submitted by you or on your User Account.

Year refers to 365 days. The use of “Year” in One Click Life’ websites, terms and conditions, disclaimer, and privacy policy shall not mean financial year nor leap year, but 365 days only.


By using this website or by using any other marketing materials (such as info sheets, guides, eBooks or emails) we make available to you through our website, social media, via email or any other online channel (Online Services) you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out on this webpage. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, you must refrain from using the Online Services. We reserve the right to change, modify, add or remove any part of these terms at any time. Please check these terms regularly prior to using our website to ensure you are aware of any changes. We will try to highlight any significant or substantive changes to these terms to you where possible. If you choose to use oneclicklife.com.au website and download documents, then oneclicklife.com.au will regard that use as conclusive evidence of your agreement and acceptance that these terms govern yours and oneclicklife.com.au rights and obligations to each other.

Your use of this website is at your own risk, and we give no warranties on the correct completion of the documents. If you use the materials and templates provided on this website incorrectly, you may suffer adversely: you may not get the document you wanted or the outcome you desired and you may suffer loss. One Click Life is not responsible for your loss or damages suffered as a result of your use of the templates in this website. They are for your use solely at your own risk and discretion.

You agree not to use any One Click Life Material and One Click Life Services for any purpose which is against any law in your jurisdiction or for any purpose which would not give full effect to the Terms even if that purpose is otherwise allowed under the Terms.

Final Document is defined as the finished legal document for legal document for legal document products or other document created through the use of a One Click Life product. You are granted a Licence when you have a subscription or pay for access to a product.

You are the person that you say you are, and you will not represent yourself as someone else, engage in any fraudulent activities and your use of the site will not violate any law. If you are assisting someone to access the site, create a User Account or otherwise use any one or more of our services, you agree that you have that person’s express consent. You must not create a User Account or access any services on behalf of another person if you do not have their expressed consent to do so.

You agree that your access and use of the sites and services are on a personal basis only and you will not access or use the sites and/or services for any commercial purpose whatsoever.

You will notify us immediately should you believe that any of Your Data or User Account details have been compromised.

Any Licence granted is subject to the Terms and entitles you to:

  • Use Final Documents of the products as specified by the Terms only
  • Make electronic copies of each Final Document for your personal use
  • Make necessary mechanical copies (e.g.  printed or photocopied) of the Final Documents for your personal records and as required for completion of the specific transactions for which the Final Documents are intended.

You may end a Licence in the manner specified on the order page, your account area or the help documentation. One Click Life retains the right to cancel any scale or Site access at any time, in which case you will only be charged for the time the sale or Site access was in effect.

You acknowledge and agree that we may terminate your password or account or deny you access to all or part of the site without prior notice if you engage in any conduct or activities that One Click Life in its sole discretion believes infringe any terms and conditions you are bound by, or any other behaviour deemed inappropriate for continued access.

You acknowledge that we endeavour to take reasonable care in preparing and maintaining Our Data on the site however we do not warrant that Our Data is up to date at all times, and we do not warrant the accuracy, reliability, adequacy or completeness of any of Our Data.

You acknowledge that we endeavour to make the site and services available at all times however we do not warrant that this will be the case, nor do we guarantee that access to the site will be uninterrupted.  We will be required to run maintenance on our site and services from time to time which will result in the site or services being unavailable. We will not be liable to you for any loss arising from your inability to access the site or services at any time.

You acknowledge and agree that we have no responsibility for the accuracy or availability of information provided by linked sites. Links to third party sites do not constitute an endorsement. By clicking on a link, you may be directed to third party sites or services. We are not liable for any loss suffered by you attributable to using or following any link on our sites or any services offered by a third party on our sites.

You accept and authorise that we will monitor your use of the site and our services and may use information relating to your use to tailor products or services to you. Please refer to our Disclaimers and Privacy Policy for further information.

Amendment of Terms

Oneclicklife.com.au reserves the right to change these terms and conditions of use at any time and those changes shall take effect in respect of all subsequent uses by you of the website. You should therefore check these terms every time you use the website and only if you accept these terms should you proceed to access and use the documents on the website. We will try to highlight any significant or substantive changes to you where possible, but it is your responsibility to read the terms each time you use our site.

Specific Warnings

You must ensure that your access to this website is not illegal or prohibited by laws which apply to you. You must take your own precautions to ensure that the way you access this website does not expose you to the risk of viruses, malicious computer code or other forms of interference which may damage your own computer system. For the removal of doubt, we do not accept responsibility for any interference or damage to your own computer system which arises in connection with your use of this website or any linked website.

No Legal Advice

All content contained on this website or otherwise provided to you as part of the Online Services is intended to provide general information in summary form on legal and other topics, current at the time of first publication. The content does not constitute legal (or other) advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should obtain specific legal or other professional advice before relying on any content contained on this website.

This website provides templates and information that are tools to be used to prepare your legal and other documents. It is not intended to give you legal advice or provide you with any legal services; it is intended to provide you with useful information, links, and information that you use at your own risk and discretion. The law is different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and is a personal matter, so no general information of the type we provide can be assured to fit every individual situation nor have we taken your personal circumstance into account. You should consult a lawyer in your area and jurisdiction to obtain specific advice for your particular needs and situation. Nothing on this website and nor should any product sold be construed to be legal advice of any type.

If you use this website, receive any information from us (such as legal guide or other piece of content) or download any of our One Click Life documents, this does not mean that we become your lawyers or that a solicitor-client relationship is created.

Consult Your Legal Adviser

The law is different in each jurisdiction of Australia. If you are unsure as to any of the terms of any of the information or how it applies to your specific circumstances then you should consult your legal adviser (solicitor, barrister, paralegal, etc). Both the templates and the information we provided on and through the website must, by necessity, be general and may not cover every situation that might arise. You should therefore consult a legal adviser for any specific problem that you might have or if you are unsure or do not understand any of the templates or information on the website.

One Click Life Does Not Give Financial or Other Advice

The information contained on this website is general in nature and does not take into account your specific needs, objectives or circumstances. You should obtain your own financial and other advice before making any decision to use this website. You should consult a professional financial adviser, taxation adviser, accountant or other adviser to obtain specific advice for your particular situation. Nothing on this website should be construed to be financial, legal or other advice of any type.

Our Limitation of Liability

It is an essential precondition to you using oneclicklife.com.au website that you agree and accept that oneclicklife.com.au is not legally responsible for any loss or damage you might suffer related to your use of the website or any template they sell, howsoever arising. Your use of this website and any template is at your own risk. If you use the materials provided on this website incorrectly, you may suffer loss as a result. Oneclicklife.com.au and One Click Life are not responsible for any loss or damage you may incur; however, it may arise by use of this website or its templates.

We make no warranties or representations about this website or any Online Services or any content contained therein and will not be responsible to you or any third party for any direct or consequential loss suffered in connection with the use of this website or any Online Services. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we exclude any liability that may arise due to your use of our website or any Online Services and/or the information or materials contained therein. You agree to indemnify us for any loss or liability arising out of your use of this site or the Online Services.

Browser Security

We strongly encourage you to update your web browser software and computer operating system frequently.

One Click Life and it sites oneclicklife.com.au works on all Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers. The security of your private information may be compromised by your own choice of software and whether you keep it up-to-date by installing the manufacturer’s/software developer’s suggested updates.

Some browsers are known to be at higher risk. Older browsers such as Internet Explorer (versions 10 and older) are out-of-date and should not be used; they should be updated immediately, and free updates are available from Microsoft.

At this time, we are not aware of any security problems relating to current versions of the Apple Safari browser, but we do caution users to download updates from Apple whenever they are available.

Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 are no longer supported or updated by Microsoft. Those systems are no longer receiving security updates; therefore, it is generally recommended you should not use them to enter or store your private information (or at all).

Blogs, Forums and Social Media Profiles

Our website may host various blogs, forums, and other social media profiles or services that allow you to share personal information and content with other users (“Applications’). Any personal information or content that you contribute to any Applications can be read, collected and used by other users over whom we may have no control. We are not responsible for any use, misuse or misappropriation by other users of any personal information or content that you contribute to any Applications.

You may choose to provide us with personal information in some circumstances when you subscribe to our newsletters.

External Links / Links to Other Websites and Information

Oneclicklife.com.au may from time to time provide on its website links to other websites and information on those websites for your convenience. This does not necessarily imply sponsorship, endorsement, or approval or arrangement between oneclicklife.com.au and the owners of those websites. Oneclicklife.com.au takes no responsibility for any of the content found on the linked websites. Oneclicklife.com.au website may contain information provided by third parties for which oneclicklife.com.au accepts no responsibility whatsoever for information or advice provided to you directly by third parties. We are not providing any advice, nor do we take any responsibility for any advice or other goods, or services purchased or received by you from those third parties in this regard, for which the third party shall be wholly responsible to you.

We are not responsible for the privacy practices of those linked websites, and we suggest you review the privacy policies of those websites before using them.

Important Disclaimers

Oneclicklife.com.au absolutely disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. Oneclicklife.com.au gives no warranty that the templates you purchase will be free of errors, or that defects will be corrected, or that our website or its server is free of viruses or any other harmful components. Whilst we, at all times endeavour to have the most accurate, reliable and up-to-date information on our website, oneclicklife.com.au does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the result of the use of any template, link or information in its website or as to their correctness, suitability, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. It is your sole responsibility and not the responsibility of oneclicklife.com.au to bear any or all entire costs of servicing, repairs, or correction. The applicable law in your jurisdiction may not permit these exclusions, particularly the exclusions of some implied warranties. Some of the above may not apply to you but you must ensure you are aware of any risk you may be taking by using this site and its products. It is your responsibility to do so.


If you wish to complain about how we handle your personal information, please contact us using the details set out below including your name and contact details. We will investigate your complaint promptly and respond to you within a reasonable time and in accordance with our legal obligations.

How to Contact Us

You may request further information about the way we manage your personal information by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us on 1300 707 117.


This agreement and this website are subject to the laws of Western Australia and Australia. If there is a dispute between you and One Click Life that results in litigation, then you must submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Western Australia.

If you access our website and you are based overseas, we do not represent that our website with the laws (including intellectual property laws) of the country in which you reside (if you reside outside Australia). You are responsible for complying with the laws of the jurisdiction where you access our website and please note that you access our website at your own risk.

Binding Arbitration

Subject to exceptions specified herein, if you and One Click Life are unable to resolve any dispute by informal negotiations, then any resolution of this dispute will be conducted exclusively by binding arbitration.

A request for appointment of an arbitrator must be made in writing. Upon receipt of the written request, One Click Life will have 90 days to choose and appoint an independent and impartial arbitrator. The arbitration will be held in the city of Perth, WA, Australia.

The cost of the binding arbitration proceedings and any proceeding in court to confirm or to vacate any arbitration award, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, will be borne by the unsuccessful party and will be determined and awarded by the arbitrator.

Exceptions to the use of binding arbitration are as follows: One Click Life may bring forth a lawsuit, without using binding arbitration, should the lawsuit involve intellectual property infringement or injunctive relief. Also, either party may use small claims court.

Where any clause or term above would by any applicable statute be illegal, void, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction then such a clause shall not apply in that jurisdiction and shall be deemed never to have been included in these terms and conditions in that jurisdiction. However, if any clause above is legal and enforceable in any other jurisdiction, it shall continue to be fully enforceable and part of this agreement in those other jurisdictions. Any deemed exclusion of any term pursuant to this paragraph shall not affect or modify the full enforceability and construction of the other clauses of these terms and conditions.

Class Action Waiver

You will not seek to have the dispute heard as a class action, private attorney general action or in any other proceeding in which either party acts or proposes to act in a representative capacity. Arbitration or any other proceeding to resolve any dispute, in any forum, will be conducted solely on an individual basis and not combined with another without the prior written consent of all parties to all affected arbitrations or proceedings.

Exclusion of Competitors

If you are in the business of creating documents for the purpose of providing them for a fee to users, whether they be business users or domestic users then you are a competitor of oneclicklife.com.au. Oneclicklife.com.au expressly excludes and does not permit you to use or access its website, to download any documents, templates or information from this website or obtain any such documents or information through a third party. If you breach this term, then oneclicklife.com.au will hold you fully responsible for any loss that it might sustain and further holds you accountable for all profits that you might make from such non-permitted and improper use. Oneclicklife.com.au reserves the right to exclude and not permit any person from using its website or any of the documents and information contained on it.

Competition and Consumer Act

For the purposes of Schedule 2 of the Australian Consumer Law, in particular sections 51 to 53, 64, and 64A of Part 3-2 Division 1 Subdivision A of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), oneclicklife.com.au liability for any breach of a term of this agreement is limited to:

  • the supplying to you of the goods or services again; or
  • the payment of the costs of having the goods or services supplied to you again.

Oneclicklife.com.au liability is, in all cases, limited and will not exceed, in any instance, the amount paid by you for any document, form, agreement or other item/service purchased from this website.

Payment and Refunds

You agree to pay all Fees in accordance with these terms and conditions. We will charge you our Fees for all services used by you.

A schedule of our Fees payable for services will be available on our sites and in this terms and conditions. The price will be updated from time to time. The schedule of Fees current at the time of access or use of a service shall be applicable to you. We may update our Fees from time to time and will publish the current schedule of Fees on our site. You will be liable for any increase in our Fees if you use or access a service after the amended schedule of Fees or has been published on our site.

We may provide options for payment such as credit card, Paypal, direct debit and other options from time to time. You are liable for any transaction costs charged by the merchant to process your payment type.

Upon purchase of a service, you may be asked by the merchant or gateway service provider to supply certain information, including credit card or other payment mechanism information. You agree not to hold us liable for any Loss incurred by you as a result of using the merchant or gateway service provider via our site. You agree that all information you provide any merchant or gateway service provider through the site for purposes of making payment for services will be accurate, complete and current.

You agree that you are solely liable for inaccuracies in bank information supplied by you.

Except to the extent required by the Australian Consumer Law, we do not provide or offer refunds of any of our Fees. Pursuant to the Australian Consumer Law, we may be required to provide a refund to you if you cancel the services before the services are provided or if there is a major failure with the services, we provide to you. If there is a failure, but the failure is not major, then we may in our discretion determine to resolve the matter by rectifying the failure, re-providing the services to you or by offering you a refund.

Please refer to the clause of these terms and conditions titled “Our Limitation of Liability” for more information on the limitations applying to our liability to you.


This agreement will continue to apply to you until terminated by either you or us.

Without prejudice to any of our other rights and powers under this Agreement, we may, at any time, including in the absence of breach and in our sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever and without notice:

  • suspend your Account or access to the Services, including in the event of your actual or suspected unauthorised use of the Account or Services, non-compliance with this Agreement, or if we withdraw the Services; or
  • terminate this Agreements.

If you or we terminate this Agreement, or if we suspend your access to the Services, you agree that we shall have no liability or responsibility to you, and we will not refund any amounts that you have already paid for the Services, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable Law.

Sections including payment, intellectual property, warranty, limitations, entire agreement and changes, and miscellaneous, and any other sections of the Agreements that, either explicitly or by their nature, must remain in effect even after termination of the Agreements, shall survive termination.


Other than as stated in this section or as explicitly agreed upon in writing between you and us, this Agreement constitute all the terms and conditions agreed upon between you and us and supersede any prior agreements in relation to the subject matter of these Agreements, whether written or oral.

Unless as otherwise stated in the Agreements, should any provision of this Agreement be held invalid or unenforceable for any reason or to any extent, such invalidity or enforceability shall not in any manner affect or invalidate the remaining provisions of this Agreement, and the application of that provision shall be enforced to the extent permitted by Law.

Any failure by us or any third-party beneficiary to enforce this Agreement or any provision thereof shall not waive our right or the applicable third-party beneficiary’s right to do so.

We may assign this Agreement, and any of its rights under this Agreement, in whole or in part, and we may delegate any of its obligations under this Agreement. You may not assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, nor transfer or sub-license your rights under this Agreement, to any third party.

You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all damages, losses, and expenses of any kind (including reasonable attorney fees and costs) arising out of or related to: (1) your breach of this Agreement or any one of them; (2) any activity in which you engage on or through the Services; and (3) your violation of any law or the rights of a third party.

Any provision of this Agreement, which is illegal, void or unenforceable will be ineffective to the extent only of that illegality, voidness or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

Waivers of a breach of this Agreement or any power under this deed must be in writing and signed by the party granting the waiver. A breach of this deed is not waived by any failure or delay in exercise, or partial exercise of any power. A power created or arising upon default under this Agreement is not waived by any failure or delay in the exercise, or a partial exercise, at that date of any other power.

The rights, duties and remedies granted or imposed under this deed operate to the extent not excluded by Law.

Your Privacy

We take our privacy obligations seriously and we are committed to making sure that we handle personal information in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), which are contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act).

This privacy policy sets out how we store, maintain, use and disclose personal information. Personal information is defined in the Privacy Act to mean any information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not, and whether or not the information or opinion is recorded in a material form.

Please read our separate Privacy Policy carefully. You may view and/or change your details at any time by advising us in writing via email. All information oneclicklife.com.au receives from its customers is protected by our secure servers. Oneclicklife.com.au’s secure server software encrypts all customer information before it is sent to us. Furthermore, all of the customer data oneclicklife.com.au collects is secured against unauthorised use or access. In addition, your credit card, PayPal or other customer payment information is not stored by us on our servers. Refer to our Privacy Policy for further details.

At oneclicklife.com.au, we are committed to protecting your privacy as a customer and an online visitor to our website. We use the information we collect about you to maximise the services that we provide to you. We respect the privacy and confidentiality of the information provided by you and adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles. Please read our privacy policy below carefully.

Information We Collect From You

In the course of your visits to our website or use of our products and services, we may obtain the following information about you:

  • Name;
  • Mailing or street address;
  • Email address;
  • Social media information;
  • Telephone number and other contact details;
  • Age;
  • Date of birth;
  • Credit card information;
  • Information about your legal requirements;
  • Information about your business or personal circumstances;
  • Information in connection with client surveys, questionnaires and promotions;
  • Your device identity and type, IP address, geo-location information, page view statistics, advertising data and standard web log information and;
  • Any other information provided by you to us via this website or our online presence, or otherwise required by us or provided by you.

Our services are not directed to persons under 18 and we do not knowingly collect Personal Data from anyone under 18. If we become aware that a child under 18 has provided us with Personal Data, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you are the parent or guardian of a child and you believe they have provided us with Personal Data without your consent, please contact us.

You can review, correct, update or delete your Personal Data by either logging into your account and making the changes yourself or contacting us directly to do so.

How We Collect Your Personal Information

We may collect personal information either directly from you, or from third parties, including where you:

  • Contact us through our website;
  • Communicate with us via email, telephone, SMS, social applications (such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) or otherwise;
  • Interact with our website, social applications, services, content and advertising and;
  • Invest in our business or enquire as to a potential purchase in our business.

We may also collect personal information from you when you sue or access our website or our social media pages. This may be done through use of web analytics tools (including Google Analytics), ‘cookies’ or other similar tracking technologies that allow us to track and analyse your website usage. Cookies are small files that store information on your computer, mobile phone or other device and enable and allow the creator of the cookie to identify when you visit different websites. If you do not wish information to be stored as a cookie, you can disable cookies in your web browser.

Third Parties Cannot Use Your Information

Oneclicklife.com.au does not and will not sell or deal in your personal or customer information. We may however use your information to create marketing statistics, identify user demands and to assist us in meeting customer needs generally. In addition, we may use the information that you provide to improve this website and its service but not for any other use.

How We Use Your Information

Personally Identifiable Information: we use the information we collect to deliver our services to you, including: communicating with you, providing technical support, notifying you of updates and offers, sharing useful content, measuring customer satisfaction, diagnosing problems and providing you with a personalised website experience.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information: We also use the information we collect in aggregated and anonymised forms to improve our services, including: administering our website, producing reports and analytics, advertising our products and services, identifying user demands and assisting in meeting customer needs generally.

Any information you choose to make publicly available, such as blog comments and testimonials on our website, will be available for others to see. If you subsequently remove this information, copies may remain viewable in cached and archived pages on other websites or if others have copied or saved the information.

Disclosure of Your Personal Information

We collect and use personal information for the following purposes:

  • To respond to your requests for consultations or quotes;
  • To provide services or information to you;
  • For record keeping and administrative purposes;
  • To provide information about you to our contractors, employees, consultants, agents or other third parties for the purpose of providing services to you;
  • To comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes or enforce our agreements with third parties;
  • To send you administrative messages, reminders, notices, updates, security alerts, and other information requested by you and;

We may disclose your personal information to cloud-providers, contractors and other third parties located outside Australia. If we do so, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that any overseas recipient deal with such personal information in a manner consistent with the APPs.

When We May Be Required to Disclose Your Information

Oneclicklife.com.au may be required, in certain circumstances, to disclose information in good faith and where oneclicklife.com.au is required to do so in the following circumstances:

  • By law or by any court;
  • To provide services or information to you;
  • To enforce the terms of any of our customer agreements; or
  • To protect the rights, property or safety of oneclicklife.com.au, One Click Life, its employee, its customers or third parties.


We will use all reasonable means to protect the confidentiality of your Personal Data while in our possession or control. All information we receive from you is stored and protected on our secure servers from unauthorised use or access. Credit card information is encrypted before transmission and is not stored by us on our servers.

To enable us to deliver our services, we may transfer information that we collect about you, including Personal Data, across borders for storage and processing in countries other than Australia. If your Personal Data is transferred and processed outside Australia, it will only be transferred to countries that have adequate privacy protections.

We retain your personal information for as long as needed to provide services to you and as otherwise necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.

In the event there is a breach of our security, and your Personal Data is compromised, we will promptly notify you in compliance with the applicable law.

Cookies and Pixels

We use “cookies” as a fundamental part of our interaction with your Internet browser. The purpose is to provide you with better and more customised service and with a more effective and efficient website.

A “cookie” is a small text file placed on your computer by our web server. A cookie can later be retrieved by our web servers. Cookies are frequently used on almost all websites, and you can choose if and how a cookie will be accepted by configuring your preferences and options in your web browser.

One Click Life uses cookies from unsecure areas of the website and may allocate a cookie for the purposes of storing information related to personalisation of the One Click Life websites

One Click Life also uses cookies for secure services (that is, an area where you are required to log on) on the One Click Life website. These cookies are used for a variety of purposes, including for security and personalisation reasons. If your browser is configured to reject all cookies you may be unable to use secure services on the One Click Life website that require cookies in order to participate. You may still be able to use some of the information-only pages even if you do not accept cookies.

How We Handle Email

We will preserve the content of any email that you send us, if we believe that we have a legal requirement to do so. Your email message content may be monitored by our employees for security issues including where email abuse is suspected; our response to you may be monitored for quality assurance issues. One Click Life will not request you to provide sensitive information such as bank details, credit card details or your tax file number via unsolicited email.

Use and Disclosure of Information Generated by Cookies

We will only use or disclose personal information or information generated by cookies in accordance with this Security and Privacy Statement and specific and additional provisions relating to privacy which apply to certain areas of the One Click Life websites.

Compulsory Disclosure

Like any business, we are subject to the law. We will be obliged to divulge personal information if requested by a government agency with the proper authorisation, like a court order.

Acceptance and Changes to Security and Privacy Policy

You acknowledge and accept that your use of the One Click Wills websites indicates your acceptance of this Security and Privacy Policy. This is the current Security and Privacy Policy. It replaces any other Security and Privacy Policy for the One Click Life website published on the One Click Life websites to date. One Click Life may at any time vary the Security and Privacy Policy by publishing the varied Security and Privacy Policy on the One Click Life websites. You accept that by doing this, One Click Life has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation.