“I’m booking a holiday with my refund this year!!”
Whatever you have planned for your refund this year, we’re here to make sure lodging your tax return is as simple as possible and you receive your refund as fast as possible!
Let’s get ready!!
If you already have an account with One Click Life, your personal details, including your TFN is already saved securely in our system. All you need to do is log in & click ‘Get Started’ under your Lodgement List.
Updating details
You can update your details, including your bank account from the One Click Life dashboard. If you have any problems with this, just contact us and we can do this for you.
Beat the Rush
We want to give you the opportunity to beat the rush and lodge your tax return from the 1st of July, 6 days prior to the ATO’s nominated processing date. With our easy-to-use platform, you can get your Tax Return completed within minutes, so it’s all ready to go when the ATO starts processing.
Now that’s Life Made Simple!
Statements & Summaries
It’s still early in tax season. Your employer has until mid-July to upload everything to the ATO. However, we can use your last payslip & previous statements (health insurance, interest & dividends etc) to lodge your return early. Because we’re linked directly to the ATO, when the current documents are ready, they will automatically appear in our system, ready for you to lodge.
Can’t find all your receipts? No stress!!

Simple Accounting Manager (SAM) is a free feature exclusive to One Click Life. With access to the 4 major banks + over 100 other financial institutions, we can securely connect directly to your bank account and get a list of all necessary deductions to maximise your refund! It’s that simple.

How long until I get my refund?
The ATO processing times can vary, so we cannot make any guarantees on their behalf. Generally, 14 days is the standard processing time. If the refund hasn’t been received for some reason, we’ll contact the ATO for you and contact you. If information is missing from your tax return, the ATO will put your refund on hold until they receive/confirm all of the missing information. The ATO will contact us, or sometimes you directly and we’re here to help. Contacting our Numbers Geeks if free – we’re here for YOU!
How long do I have to lodge?
The deadline for lodging your tax return is the 31st October 2022. Read our deadline blog for more information here.

If you’re wondering what we’re up to…
The end of the financial year is fast approaching, and there’s a rumble in the office! The Numbers Geeks & Code Monkeys (accountants & techy dudes) have been working hard behind the scenes. We want to make sure we’re all ready for Lift-Off on the 1st of July & make sure that your 2022 Tax Return is the easiest online Tax Return you’ll ever do!
One Click Life offers you a fuss-free & simple way to lodge your Tax Return and we are with you every step of the way, so you don’t have to face the ATO alone.
Let One Click Life take care of your Tax Return and life’s essential tasks so you can spend more time doing the things you love.

With One Click Life, its an Easy Tax Return process!