A Tax File Number (or TFN) is a 9-digit number that is unique for every person and legally required if you are employed in Australia. Tax File Numbers are provided by the Australian government with the purpose of identifying users for all tax and superannuation purposes. Here we explain how to apply for a TFN (Tax File Number) as an Australian or Non-Australian citizen.
Eligibility to apply for a TFN
All Australian citizens and residents can apply for a Tax File Number. When applying for a TFN online you must be at least 15 years old.
Eligibility for applying online:
- At least 15 years old
- Have a passport
- At least one other Australian identity document
If you don’t have a passport when you apply for a TFN, you will need multiple pieces of ID, so get your documents ready!
Apply online via myGov
Using the myGov website or app you can apply for your TFN online. Steps for applying via myGov:
- Set up a myGov account
- Verify your ID on myGov
- Navigate to TFN application
- Complete the TFN application
Once your application is complete, you will receive your TFN straight away. You will also receive a letter with your TFN and TFN application details on it. You will need to store this letter somewhere safe.
Apply at Australian Post
You can apply for a TFN at Australia Post outlets. Steps for applying via Australia Post:
- Complete the online form
- Print the application
- Book an interview
- Sign the application at the interview with your proof of identity
Applying for a TFN via Australian Post can take up to 28 days. Additional details of how to apply for a TFN at Australia Post can be found here.
Apply at a Services Australia Centre
If you are a services Australia customer (Centrelink, Medicare, etc), you can apply for your TFN in person.
Provide the service centre with your TFN application and proof of identity and you’ll receive your TFN once it has been processed.
Apply by post
If you are unable to apply for your TFN using the methods above, you can complete your application by mail. You can obtain the application forms online or by phoning the ATO.
Once you have completed the application, you are required to post it with a certified copy of your identity. Once your application is processed, you’ll receive your TFN in the mail.
If you are not an Australian citizen, you can only apply for a tax file number through the following means.
Foreign passport holders applying for an Australian TFN are required to have a valid visa.
Apply at Australia Post
You can apply for a TFN at Australia Post outlets. Steps for applying via Australia Post:
- Complete the online form
- Print the application
- Book an interview
- Sign the application at the interview with your proof of identity
Applying for a TFN via Australia Post can take up to 28 days.
Apply at a Services Australia Centre
If you are a services Australia customer (Centrelink, Medicare, etc), you can apply for your TFN in person.
Provide the service centre with your TFN application and proof of identity and you’ll receive your TFN once it has been processed.
Apply by post
If you are unable to apply for your TFN using the methods above, you can complete your application by mail. You can obtain the application forms online or by phoning the ATO on 13 28 61.
Once you have completed the application, you are required to post it with a certified copy of your identity. Once your application is processed, you’ll receive your TFN in the mail.
How do I receive my TFN?
The ATO will send you your TFN via post. You will need to retain this document, so put it somewhere safe!
What do I do with my TFN once I have it?
Once you have a TFN you will need to provide it your employer. When they pay you, they will record the wages against your name and tax file number and provide a record of this to the ATO.
Completing a Tax Return
Once you have a TFN you are required to complete a tax return every year. To complete an online tax return in under 5 minutes, create a free account at One Click Life.
Need help?
If you need help, a tax professional at One Click Life can guide you.
Feel free to call us on 1300 707 117 or email us at [email protected] to ask for help.
If you’d like more information regarding applying for a Tax File Number you can visit: https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Tax-file-number/Apply-for-a-TFN/