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The 7 benefits of completing your Tax Return online

Completing your tax return online has a number of benefits. It is faster, more accurate and easier to keep track of. It is also more convenient, environmentally friendly, available all year round, and more secure.

In summary, lodging your tax return online can save you time and reduce the risk of errors.

So, what are the 7 benefits?

  1. Faster processing.

When you lodge your tax return online, it is generally processed faster than a paper return, or the time it takes to book a meeting with an accountant and take down your receipts. This means you will receive any tax refund you are entitled to more quickly.

  1. More accurate.

Lodging your tax return online reduces the risk of errors as you can use pre-filled forms and the software will do basic calculations for you. This can also help to reduce the risk of an audit.

  1. Easier to keep track of. 

When you lodge your tax return online, you can track the progress of your return through your online account. This can give you peace of mind and make it easier to follow up if there are any issues. You can also see if you have any overdue tax returns pending that you might have overlooked.

  1. More convenient.

Lodging your tax return online allows you to do it from the comfort of your own home or office, at a time that suits you, on a device that suits you. You don’t need to worry about finding time to visit an accountant in a stuffy office to tell you about how much they know about tax law and how to lodge a tax return.

  1. Environmentally friendly.

Lodging your tax return online reduces the need for paper and therefore helps to protect the environment. You also avoid driving to an appointment. Does this make lodging a tax return online carbon neutral?

  1. Available all year round.

An online tax lodgement system is available to use all year round, 24/7/365, so you can lodge your tax return as soon as you have all the necessary information. This can be especially useful if you receive your tax documents at different times or have an overdue tax return.

  1. Greater security.

When you lodge your tax return online, your personal and financial information is transmitted securely. This can give you greater peace of mind and protect you from identity theft.

There are many benefits of lodging your tax return online. Imagine being able to complete your tax return on your mobile while on your way to work. You can enter your information into the simple to use app at your own pace and submit it when you are ready. No need to worry about finding time to visit an accountant or worrying about the security of your personal information.

Online tax lodgement is a convenient and secure way to manage your tax affairs.

Can we help you lodge your tax return?

One Click Life offers online tax returns at your fingertips in an easy-to-use platform run by tax professionals.

Taxes, health insurance, and wills can be time-consuming and tedious. Our app allows you to be able to do this fuss-free, giving you a simple way to organise, track and manage all of your life admin in one place.

When you lodge with One Click Life you also get free tax support all year round from qualified tax professionals.

Let One Click Life take care of your tax return and life’s essential tasks, so you can spend more time doing the things you love.