Calculate your estimated Tax Return in 3 easy steps

Our quick and simple Tax Return calculator lets you check your estimated Tax Refund amount then lodge when you’re satisfied.

Pay nothing up front! Only $19 extra

Income details automatically entered

Easy deductions finder to boost your refund

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One Click Life Trusted Partners logos: Tax Return Estimate, CPA, FinTech Australia, Australian Owned Certified, Tax Practitioners Board Registered

2021 - 2022
Tax Return Calculator

Estimate how much tax you will get back, then lodge your tax with One Click Life

Using Our Tax Calculator

Step 1


Each pay you receive should also come with a payslip. If your income is fairly static you can work out how much you will earn for the year by taking your year to date position and expanding this out over the year.

For example if you have earned $40,000 to 28th of Feb, you can divide this by 8 months to work out your monthly earnings and times this by 12 months to capture the full year.

$40,000 / 8 months x 12 months = $60,000.

In this example you would enter $60,000 into the income field on the Tax Calculator.

Step 2

Tax Withheld

In the same way as the income in the above example, your tax withheld is found on your payslip. You can take your tax withheld and expand this out to capture the full year for entering into the tax calculator.  

For example if you have had $8,000 tax withheld to 28th of Feb, you can divide this by 8 months to work out your monthly earnings and times this by 12 months to capture the full year.

$8,000 / 8 months x 12 months = $12,000.

In this example you would enter $12,000 into the income field on the Tax Calculator.

At this point due to the dynamic nature of the Tax Calculator it will show an estimated tax refund of $833.

Step 3

Deductible Expenses

For something to be an individual tax deduction, and recognised  as an ATO deduction, it has to meet 3 criteria outlined by the taxation department. These criteria include: 

  1. It has to be a work-related expense
  2. You need to have spent money on it yourself, and not be reimbursed
  3. You need to have proof 

Add in your deductions year to date, then estimate out how much you intend to spend over the remainder of the financial year until June 30. You may have the following deductions;

  • Work related uniform expenditure $150
  • Driving to pick up supplies for work 500km x $0.72 = $360
  • One Click Life for tax return $99
  • Mobile phone usage 25% of bills $80 per month x 25% = $240

Total Deductions: $849

In this example you would enter in $849 in the Deductible Expenses field in the tax calculator.

You should see your refund in this example dynamically change to $1,126