What can retail workers claim on tax? Get the latest bargain on your tax return this financial year with tax deductions! Here are some tax deductible expenses for retail workers. Don’t leave anything out of your online tax return. If you save every little bit, and deduct everything you’re entitled to, the tax return can be massive.
When it comes down to it, there are three main criteria that qualifies an expense for tax deduction, which is calculated against your income:
- You must have spent the money and not have been reimbursed
- It must be related to your job
- You must have a record to prove it
However, this in itself can be hard to understand. What constitutes an expense as “related” to your job? Here is what defines your taxable income, and a list of retail worker tax deductions.
Remember, a record isn’t necessarily a receipt. There are tax deductions you can claim without a receipt. Continue on to find out more.
What Is Your Taxable Income
Your taxable retail worker/retail assistant income is money generated from your employer or your work. Your taxable income also includes:
- PAYG summaries
- Pensions and government allowances
- Interest earned (banks etc)
- Dividends
- Rental property income
- Business income
- Other income earned (capital gains etc)
Tax Deductible Expenses For Retail Workers
Retail Worker Specific
- Buying retail worker uniforms and clothing
- The cost of laundry for retail worker clothes/uniforms
- Protective clothing items that you use for your retail work (if needed, masks etc)
- Purchase of equipment and tools used for retail workers (if needed) up to $300
- Depreciation expense of equipment and tools over $300
- The repair and/or upkeep of retail tools and equipment
- Interest generated from loans relating to work activities
- Self-education and courses that apply for your retail work
- Licenses for retailers
- Work union fees/other similar organisations
- Subscriptions and magazines relating to your retail work
- Travel expenses if work related
Clothing For Your Retail Work
If you have to buy or if you have to laundry clothing that has your shop logo on it, you are allowed to claim that back as a tax deduction. Additionally, if you have to buy any sunglasses or sun protection because you work in the sun, you can also claim that as a tax deduction. Any protective clothing like aprons, gloves and hair ties are allowed to be claimed on tax too.
Union Fees
If you decide to join a union, which is popular with retail workers, you are able to claim those fees as tax deductions.
Using Your Own Device
If you have to use your personal device to make work phone calls or if you have to use it for things like stock take, you can claim some of its use as a tax deduction. The easiest way to work out how much you can claim is by asking a professional.
- Car expenses and general wear if your car use is work related (estimated Km or a logbook with all expense items)
- Travel expenses for your work (flights, taxis and trains etc)
- Accommodation needed on work reasons (including meals)
- Phone bills for work
- Work related computing
- Working from home costs
- Self-education
- Tax return fees dating to the year previous
- Insurances
- Rental expense (if you are renting)
- Charity donations and gifts
- Sun protection (if you have to work outside)
Maximising Your Tax Return With An Online Tax Agent
There will be more retail work tax benefits and retail assistant tax deductions that aren’t on this list. Tax deductions are not only industry specific, but also change from individual to individual.
The best way to claim the most you can is with a tax agent like One Click Life. We have made the process simple with 5 easy steps.

The more you deduct, the less tax you pay and the more money you can spend on yourself. Clearly, you will want to deduct the most you can, and the sure-fire way to do that is with a tax agent or accountant. If you can claim your tax agent/tax return fee back on tax, why wouldn’t you use one to minimise your tax?
One Click Life fast offers online tax returns at your fingertips in an easy-to-use platform run by industry professionals.
Taxes, health insurance, and wills can be time-consuming and tedious. Our app allows you to be able to do this fuss-free, giving you a simple way to organise, track and manage all of your life admin in one place.
Let One Click Life take care of your tax return, and life’s essential tasks so you can spend more time doing the things you love.